





( )1.Is there a river? ycY试题试卷网

A. No, there isn’t. B. No, there are. C. Yes, there isn’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )2.______a park in the city?ycY试题试卷网

A.Is there B.There is C.Are thereycY试题试卷网

( )3.There ______a pen on the book.ycY试题试卷网

A.is B.are C. not ycY试题试卷网

)4. Is there ______river in front of the mountain?ycY试题试卷网

A.a B.an C.many ycY试题试卷网

( )5. _________ a forest in the nature park. ycY试题试卷网

A. There are B. There is C. hasycY试题试卷网

( )6.There is a lake ______ the nature park . ycY试题试卷网

A. on B. over C. inycY试题试卷网

( )7.There are two birds ________ the sky. ycY试题试卷网

A. on B. over C. inycY试题试卷网

( )8.There’s a nature park _______ the city. ycY试题试卷网

A. behind B. in C. in front ofycY试题试卷网

( )9. So many animals are _______ the farm. ycY试题试卷网

A. at B. in C. toycY试题试卷网

( )10. Is there a path ? --______. ycY试题试卷网

A. Yes, there is. B. No, there is. C. Yes, there are.ycY试题试卷网


There are a ______﹙河流﹚,a______﹙森林﹚,ycY试题试卷网

a ______﹙湖﹚,and some______﹙船﹚in the park.ycY试题试卷网


( )1.Is there a river in your city?(a river)ycY试题试卷网

A.Yes ,there is. B. No,there isn’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )2.Is there a lake in the nature park?( a forest)ycY试题试卷网

A.Yes ,there is. B. No,there isn’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )3.Is there a path near the forest?( a lake )ycY试题试卷网

A.Yes ,there is. B. No,there isn’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )4.Is there a boy in the classroom?(a boy)ycY试题试卷网

A.Yes ,there is. B. No,there isn’t.ycY试题试卷网


  1. There is a river in the nature park.ycY试题试卷网


2.There is some milk on the table.ycY试题试卷网


3.There is a pen and two rulers on the desk.ycY试题试卷网

___________________________________ ycY试题试卷网

  1. 选出不同类的单词。ycY试题试卷网

( ) 1.A .mountain B.grass C.hill D.foodycY试题试卷网

( ) 2.A.lake B.forest C.stream D.riverycY试题试卷网

( )3.A.forest B.tree C.grass D.tallycY试题试卷网

( )4.A.song B.draw C.grass D.danceycY试题试卷网

( ) 5.A.cook B.water C.tea D.milkycY试题试卷网

  1. 看图写单词。ycY试题试卷网



___________ _____________ ___________ _____________ ycY试题试卷网


1. A. I see a big cow.ycY试题试卷网

2. B. Let’s count to ten.ycY试题试卷网

3. C. There is a mouse in the house.ycY试题试卷网




( )1. What a beautiful house.ycY试题试卷网

A. B. ycY试题试卷网

( )2.There is a mouse in the house. ycY试题试卷网

A. B. ycY试题试卷网

( )3.Let’s count from one to ten.ycY试题试卷网

A. B. ycY试题试卷网


A: Are there ______(any,some)birds in the mountains?ycY试题试卷网

B: No, ______ (there,here) aren’t.ycY试题试卷网

______ (Is,Are) there any fish in the rivers?ycY试题试卷网

A: Yes, there ______(is,are).ycY试题试卷网


1.How many______﹙lake,lakes﹚are there in the park?ycY试题试卷网

2.Are there ______﹙any,many﹚ducks in the river.ycY试题试卷网

3. There are many tall buildings_____(in,on) the park.ycY试题试卷网

4.________(Is,Are)there a lake in the park?ycY试题试卷网


( )No,there aren’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )Are there any animals?ycY试题试卷网

( )Are there any tall buildings in the park?ycY试题试卷网

( )Yes,there are.there ducks and rabbits.ycY试题试卷网


( )1.Are there any bridges in your village? ycY试题试卷网


A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, there is . C. No, there is.ycY试题试卷网

( )2. Are there any tall building in your village? ycY试题试卷网


A. No, there isn’t . B. Yes , there aren’t. C. No, there aren’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )3.Are there ______ rivers in your village? ycY试题试卷网

A. some B. any C. aycY试题试卷网

( )4.There is a bridge _____ the river. ycY试题试卷网

A. on B. over C. inycY试题试卷网

( )5.There is a boat _______ the river. ycY试题试卷网

A. over B. under C. onycY试题试卷网


( )1.Is this your picture? A. No, there aren’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )2.Are there any rivers here? B. Yes, it is.ycY试题试卷网

( )3. Do you like this park? C. Yes, I do.ycY试题试卷网

( )4. Is there a photo over your bed? D. No, I can’t.ycY试题试卷网

( )5. Can you see any fish in the river? E. Yes, there is.ycY试题试卷网


A ) Hello! My name is Sarah . This is my village. It is in the mountains. There are many small houses and a river. There is a bridge over the river. There are many fish in the river. There is a path near the river. There are many flowers near the road . There is green grass and many trees. We can run on the grass. There is a lake near my village. The water is clean. The air is fresh . I like my village very much. What’s your village like? Can you tell me , please?ycY试题试卷网

(1) Sarah is from a village. ( ) ycY试题试卷网

(2) There is a lake in Sarah’s village. ( )ycY试题试卷网

(3) There are many pandas in the mountains. ( )ycY试题试卷网

(4) There are many cars in the road . ( )ycY试题试卷网

(5) There are many flowers in Sarah’s village. ( )ycY试题试卷网

( B ) This is Jack’s bedroom. It’s new and nice . There is a bed and a chair in it . The desk is on the floor . There are some flowers on the desk. A bookshelf is behind the bed . There are some English books on the bookshelf. There is a picture on the wall. There are some people in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother . Who is the boy? Do you know ?ycY试题试卷网

1. Jack’s bedroom is new and nice. ( ) ycY试题试卷网

2. There is a desk on the bed . ( ) ycY试题试卷网

3. The bed is behind the bookshelf. ( )ycY试题试卷网

4. The bookshelf is on the wall. ( )ycY试题试卷网

5. There are some people in the picture. ( )ycY试题试卷网









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